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Where known, the wardens are given in the order Heanor warden, Shipley warden, Codnor warden.


After the year 1859 they are given where known in the order Rector/vicars warden, people warden.


For the year 1584 <missing> and  <missing> and <missing> Plattes

For the year 1585 John Boughton and  <missing> and <missing>

For the year 1586 Robt Parker and  Peter Clarke and Wm Roose

For the year 1587 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1588 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1589 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1590 Robt Parker and  Rowland Mylward and Wm Roose

For the year 1591 Robt Parker and  Rowland Mylward and Wm Roose

For the year 1592 Nys Lane and  Henry Cordon and Robert Wylde

For the year 1593 Nic Parker and  Richard Cordon and Henry Ufton

For the year 1594 Anthony Blythworth and  Willya Blake and Matthew Downing

For the year 1595 Thomas Reanor and  Richard Cordon and Ravfe Leaptone

For the year 1596 Thomas Coake and  Richard Reavi<damaged> and Jarman Yeavley

For the year 1597 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1598 Thomas Garret and  Thomas Carrocke and William Hardie

For the year 1599 Thomas Loe (Lowe) and  Christopher Faulken and Henry Walker

For the year 1600 Robt. Dodson and  John Clyssilde and Willm Ryley

For the year 1601 Hewghe Percivall and  Thomas Ridge and Jefrey Herott

For the year 1602 Heawe Pearcyfall and  Heanrey Codkine and Willya Stubinge

For the year 1603 Robert Deane and  Richard Cordene and Richard <missing>

For the year 1604 Willia Steavens and  Micholas Moslye and Yeuche Daye

For the year 1605 Robte Chalyn and  Richarde Brentnall and Hewghe Slighe

For the year 1606 Thomas Stansby and  Richarde Skevington and Willm Alred

For the year 1607 John Boughton and  George Power and Wyllm Wylde

For the year 1608 Wyllm Roase and  Christopher Fawkon and Anthony Benson

For the year 1609 Ellys Walker and  Thomas Ridge and Thomas Wilson

For the year 1610 Thomas Deane and  Henry Godkyne and Edward Bayliffe

For the year 1611 Peter Morton and  Willm Trewman and Henry Vfton

For the year 1612 Willm Magson and  Samuell Clyssolde and Thomas Tanthm

For the year 1613 John Hollande and  Robte Hardy and Willm Downing

For the year 1614 Edward Bloodworth and  Richard Cordene and Thomas Rowe

For the year 1615 Robte Chalyn and  Nicholas Mosley and John Piggyn, Junr.

For the year 1616 John Croshawe and  Thomas Smethley and Edward Adams

For the year 1617 Willia Stonesby and  Thomas Smedley and Thomas Roe

For the year 1618 Robert Cheetham and  Richard Brentnall and Edmond Bonsall

For the year 1619 Robert Deane and  Christopher Fawcon and Richard Clarke

For the year 1620 Robert Dodson and  Willm Trewman and Robert Wylde

For the year 1621 William Pilkenton and  Henry Godkyne and Richard Clayton

For the year 1622 Willm Greene and  Thomas Rowlands and Willm Harbie

For the year 1623 George Rose and  Nicolas Skevington and Josias Woolley

For the year 1624 Thomas Lowe and  John Spurre and John Watton

For the year 1625 Richard Tomlynson and  Gerrame Naggle and John Greene

For the year 1626 John Piggin, Senr. and  Willm Fearbrother and Christopher Dakin

For the year 1627 Henerey Stansbey and  Georg Pottar and Micaell Borton

For the year 1628 Willm Allred and  Thomas Cocker and John Wolley

For the year 1629 John Harstafe and  Henry Cordan and Willm Willde

For the year 1630 Edward Blidward and  Thomas Cockar and Robart Barton

For the year 1631 Richard Cocker and  Henry Cordan and John Saterfeilde

For the year 1632 Thomas Wilson and  Thomas Cade and Richard Brintnall

For the year 1633 John Crowshawe and  William Trewman and Randolffe Lepton

For the year 1634 Robert Dodson and  Henry Godkyne and Richard Cleyton

For the year 1635 Henry Richards and  Thomas Rovlland and Thomas Vicars

For the year 1636 Robert Deane and  Thomas Cocker and Phillip Darbishire

For the year 1637 John Bestwicke and  Henry Corden and Benjaman Cleyton

For the year 1638 Robert Cheetom and  Anthony Sioarne and Thomas Lane

For the year 1639 James Torrett and  Jessum Nagley and Samuell Huchinsonn

For the year 1640 Richard Tomblinsonn and  Tho: Whitworthe and John Torrett

For the year 1641 William Alldrew and  George Potter and Tho Lane

For the year 1642 John Greene and  Will Fearebrother and Tho Draycott

For the year 1643 Robb Smythe and  Henry Fallcon and Will Willsonn

For the year 1644 there are not churchwarden.  This is likely due to the civil war

For the year 1645 there are not churchwarden.  This is likely due to the civil war

For the year 1646 William Smith and  Thomas Brentnall and Michael Burton

For the year 1647 Edward Westewood and  William Trueman and John Searston

For the year 1648 Henery Stansby and  Thomas Glouer and John Piggen

For the year 1649 Heney Stansby and  Thomas Clouer and John Piggin

For the year 1650 Will Piggin and  Thomas Rouland and Huntington Beamont

For the year 1651 Edward Eaton and  George Cocker and Thomas Clifton

For the year 1652 Will Smith and  Henry Corden and George Linley

For the year 1653 William Marchall and  Anothony Seuerus and Henery Kirkland

For the year 1654 Henry Brentnall and  Francis Taylor and Michaell Day

For the year 1655 John Walker and  Thomas Whitworth and Benjimin Clayton

For the year 1656 Robert Cheetham and  Thomas Potter and Thomas Watton

For the year 1657 Robert Burton and  William Potter and Henry Wawin

For the year 1658 Richard Cocker and  William Wardlow and John Draycott

For the year 1659 John Coleclough and  <missing> and Arthur Terrill

For the year 1660 Wolliam Pilkinton and  William Truman and Christopher Hogge

For the year 1661 Wolliam Hunter and  Francis Ball and Thomas Wilson

For the year 1662 John Walker for Mrs Winter and  Henry Godkin and Robert Satterfield

For the year 1663 Tho Dodson and  Philip Seyverns and John Wolley

For the year 1664 Robert Osborne and  Richard Cordon and Jeoffrey Silcocke

For the year 1665 William Potter and  John Seuerne and Mr Richard Cleaton

For the year 1666 John More and  Richard Mottsby and Joseph Low

For the year 1667 Richard Coates and  Thomas Whitworth and William Wilde

For the year 1668 William Aldred and  Thomas Potter and Jonathan Tantum

For the year 1669 Nicholas Greene and  William Potter and John Stearland

For the year 1670 Richard Barwell and  William Wardlow and Thomas Wild, Junr.

For the year 1671 Solomon Aldred and  William Trueman, Jnr. and Richard Mansfield 

For the year 1672 John Tomlinson and  John Godkin and Ralph Radford

For the year 1673 John Reuel and  Thomas Holland and William Aldred

For the year 1674 Mr Eiilott and  John Severns and John Clark

For the year 1675 Robert Osbourne and  Jo Siverns and James Sumner

For the year 1676 Timothy Millington and  John Whitworth and John Searson

For the year 1677 Peter Eaton and  Joseph Potter and Thomas Lee

For the year 1678 Tho Holland and  Wiliam Wardloe and John Wright

For the year 1679 Ralphe Watson and  Thomas Brentnall and John Browne

For the year 1680 Jo Wilson and  Will Trewman and Jo Piggen

For the year 1681 John Coleclough, Junr. and  Jo Godkin and Jo Tantum

For the year 1682 Mr Wright and  Phillip Siverns and John Glew

For the year 1683 Francis Tantum and  William Purdy and John Coleclough

For the year 1684 Christopher Coleclough and  Phillip Siverns and William Dakin

For the year 1685 Robert Walker and  John Siverns and Robert Satterfield, gent

For the year 1686 Roger Statford and  John Whitworth and Thomas Hickenbothom

For the year 1687 Mr Edmund Winter and  Joseph Potter and Jonathan Tantum

For the year 1688 Will Aldred and  Will Potter and Joseph Evly

For the year 1689 Roger Cheetam and  <missing> and Mr Joseph Hieron

For the year 1690 John Aldred and  John Brentnall and John Piggin

For the year 1691 Francis Walker and  William Trueman and John Silcocke

For the year 1692 Christopher Oldnow and  William Smyth and John Wood

For the year 1693 John Godkin and  Robert Lymme and John Kirkland

For the year 1694 Peter Eaton and  Robert Lymme and Richard Clayton, Junr.

For the year 1695 Henry Fidler and  Henry Corden and William Watton

For the year 1696 Tim Milington and  <missing> and Joseph Aldred

For the year 1697 Ralph Watson and   and Robert Hunt

For the year 1698 Ralph Watson and  Caleb Hickton and Wm Parks

For the year 1699 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1700 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1701 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1702 Peter Eaton, Junr, on behalf of Mrs Houghton and  William Trueman and Christopher Hogge

For the year 1703 John Wilson and  William Smith and Josiah Moor

For the year 1704 Wm Yeaveley and  John Huchason and Frances Ride

For the year 1705 John Osborn and  Robert Kym and Mr Samuel Spencer

For the year 1706 Edward Osborn and  Henry Corden and Samuel Wolley

For the year 1707 Joseph Bradbery and  John Severns and <missing>

For the year 1708 Robert Saunderson and  John Whitworth and George Bruf

For the year 1709 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1710 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1711 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1712 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1713 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1714 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1715 Mr Sheapard and  Richd Johnson and John Alldred

For the year 1716 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1717 William Baker and  Henry Garden and Michael Holdgate

For the year 1718 Robert Saunderson and  John Severns and John Peak

For the year 1719 Rich Alin and  Tho Whitworth and Danll Kirkland

For the year 1720 Tho Coleclough and  Tho Potter and Samll Oldknow

For the year 1721 Jno Aldred and  Samll Potter and Jona Wholley

For the year 1722 John Watkinson and  John Awto (Alton) and John Coleclough

For the year 1723 Jno Moor and  Widow Truman and Jno Coleclough

For the year 1724 Tho Smith and  Tho Godkin and Tho Newton

For the year 1725 Tho Newton and  Tho Nowell and Francis Tantum

For the year 1726 <missing> and  <missing> and <missing>

For the year 1727 Tho Shaw and  Richard Jonson and Robert Burgain

For the year 1728 Tho Shaw and  Henery Corden and Chris Coleclough

For the year 1729 Thomas Shaw and  Thomas Garton and Mr John Shepherd

For the year 1730 Thomas Shaw and  Samuel Carden and William Moss

For the year 1731 Thomas Shaw and  James Seaverns and Robert Burgain

For the year 1732 Thomas Shaw and  William Motsby and Robt Burgain

For the year 1733 Thomas Shaw and  Thomas Whitworth and William Watton

For the year 1734 Tho Shaw and  Tho Potter and John Clay

For the year 1735 Thos Clay and  Thos Potter and Mr Clark

For the year 1736 John Wood and  Thos Potter and Thos Wild

For the year 1737 William Godkin and  William Truman and Peter Eaton

For the year 1738 Timothy Millington and  George Thorp and William Godkin

For the year 1739 James Boar and  Sanuel Smith and Phillip Tylor

For the year 1740 John Aldred and  Robt Aldred and Jonathan Stirland

For the year 1741 John Wilson and  Samuel Corden and Daniel Kirkland

For the year 1742 Richard Milward and  James Seavern and Mr Pinegar

For the year 1743 Richard Milward and  Wm Motsby and Mr Pinegar

For the year 1744 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1745 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1746 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1747 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1748 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1749 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1750 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1751 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1752 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1753 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1754 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1755 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1756 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1757 Richard Redfern and  Thos Clay and John Tantum

For the year 1758 John Allin and  Thos Clay and Chris Hogg (of Losco)

For the year 1759 John James and  <unkown> and Jno Tantum

For the year 1760 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1761 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1762 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1763 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1764 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1765 Chris Coleclough and  Thos Clay and Henry Gillott

For the year 1766 Chris Coleclough and  Thos Clay and John <Damaged> (Pinegar?)

For the year 1767 Chris Coleclough and  Thos Clay and Georg Godkin

For the year 1768 Chris Coleclough and  Thos Clay and Georg Godkin

For the year 1769 C Coleclough and  T Clay and <unknown>

For the year 1770 C Coleclough and  Thos Clay and John Wilde

For the year 1771 Chris Coleclough and  Thos Clay and John Wright

For the year 1772 Christopher Coleclough and  Thomas Clay and John Wright

For the year 1773 Christopher Coleclough and  Thomas Clay and John Wright

For the year 1774 Christopher Coleclough and  Thomas Clay and John Wright

For the year 1775 Christopher Coleclough and  Henrey Potter and John Wright

For the year 1776 Christopher Coleclough and  Samuel Watheys and John Wright

For the year 1777 Edward Smith and  James Severns and John Wright

For the year 1778 Edward Smith and  John Abbott and John Wright

For the year 1779 Christr Coleclough and  John Abbott and John Wright

For the year 1780 Christopher Coleclough and  John Abbott and John Wright

For the year 1781 Christopher Coleclough and  Saml Clay and John Wright

For the year 1782 Christopher Coleclough and  Saml Clay and John Wright

For the year 1783 Christopher Coleclough and  Jno Halley and John Wright

For the year 1784 Christopher Coleclough and  John Abbott and John Wright

For the year 1785 Christopher Coleclough and  Jno Abbott and John Wright

For the year 1786 Christopher Coleclough and  John Abbott and John Wright

For the year 1787 Saml Coleclough and  Mr Hawley and John Wright

For the year 1788 Saml Coleclough and  Jno Abbott and Jno Wright

For the year 1789 Mr Woodward and  Jno Abbott and Jno Wright

For the year 1790 Mr Hawley and  Jno Abbott and Jno Wright

For the year 1791 Francis Tantum and  Henry Bear and Jno Hogg

For the year 1792 Francis Tantum and  Jno Abbott and Jno Hogg

For the year 1793 Francis Tantum and  Jno Abbott and Jno Hogg

For the year 1794 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1795 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1796 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1797 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1798 Richard Tantum and  John Bowley and John Hogg

For the year 1799 Richd Tantum and  John Bowley and John Hogg

For the year 1800 Richd Tantum and  John Bowley and John Hogg

For the year 1801 Richd Tantum and  William Bowley and John Hogg

For the year 1802 Richd Tantum and  Jno Bowley and John Hogg

For the year 1803 Richard Tantum and  John Bowley and John Hogg

For the year 1804 Richd Tantum and  John Bowley and John Hogg

For the year 1805 Richd Tantum and  William Fletcher and John Hogg

For the year 1806 Richd Tantum and  William Fletcher and John Hogg

For the year 1807 Richd Tantum and  Samuel Parker and John Hogg

For the year 1808 Richd Tantum and  Samuel Parker and John Hogg

For the year 1809 Richd Tantum and  Samuel Parker and John Hogg

For the year 1810 Richd Tantum and  Samuel Parker and John Hogg

For the year 1811 Richd Tantum and  Samuel Parker and John Hogg

For the year 1812 Richd Tantum and  Samuel Parker and John Hogg

For the year 1813 Richd Tantum and  Samuel Parker and John Hogg

For the year 1814 Richard Tantum and  James Baker and James Woolley

For the year 1815 Richard Tantum and  George White and James Woolley

For the year 1816 Richard Tantum and  George White and James Woolley

For the year 1817 Richard Tantum and  George White and James Woolley

For the year 1818 Richard Tantum and  William Gregory and James Woolley

For the year 1819 Richard Tantum and  William Gregory and James Woolley

For the year 1820 Richard Tantum and  William Gregory and James Woolley

For the year 1821 I Wolley and  W Gregory and R Tantum

For the year 1822 Richard Tantum and  George White and John  Hogg

For the year 1823 H? Gillott and  Sam Kirkby and John <ill>

For the year 1824 Henry Gillott and  Samuel Kirkby and John Godkin

For the year 1825 Henry Gillott and  Samuel Kirkby and John Godkin

For the year 1826 Henry Gillott and  Samuel Kirkby and Samuel Woolly

For the year 1827 Henry Gillott and  Samuel Kirkby and Samuel Woolly

For the year 1828 Henry Gillott and  Samuel Kirkby and Samuel Woolly

For the year 1829 Anthony Spendlove and  Samuel Kirkby and Samuel Woolly

For the year 1830 Anthony Spendlove and  Samuel Kirkby and Samuel Woolly

For the year 1831 Saml White and  Samuel Kirkby and Saml Flint

For the year 1832 Saml White and  Samuel Kirkby and Saml Flint

For the year 1833 Saml White and  Samuel Kirkby and Saml Flint

For the year 1834 Saml White and  Samuel Kirkby and Saml Flint

For the year 1835 Saml White and  Samuel Kirkby and Saml Flint

For the year 1836 Samuel White and  Samuel Kirkby and Samuel Flint

For the year 1837 Samuel White and  Samuel Kirkby and Samuel Flint

For the year 1838 Samuel White and  Samuel Kirkby and Samuel Flint

For the year 1839 Samuel White and  Samuel Kirkby and Samuel Flint

For the year 1840 Samuel White and  Samuel Kirkby and Samuel Flint

For the year 1841 William Beardsley and  Thomas Goodwin and Samuel Flint

For the year 1842 William Beardsley and  Thomas Goodwin and Samuel Flint

For the year 1843 William Beardsley and  Thomas Goodwin and Samuel Flint

For the year 1844 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1845 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1846 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1847 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1848 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1849 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1850 Thos Seddon Roscoe and  John Hogg and Thomas Watson

For the year 1851 Thos Seddon Roscoe and  John Hogg and <unkown>

For the year 1852 Thos Seddon Roscoe and  John White and <unkown>

For the year 1853 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1854 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1855 Thos Seddon Roscoe and  Thomas Watson and <unkown>

For the year 1856 <ill> Roscoe and  John White and J N Starbuck

For the year 1857 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1858 Thos Seddon Roscoe and  John White and Thomas Watson

For the year 1859 Thos Seddon Roscoe and  <unkown>

For the year 1860 Thos Seddon Roscoe and  <unkown>

For the year 1861 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1862 Henry Thorpe and  George Burton

For the year 1863 Fletcher Draper and  Mr Woodhead

For the year 1864 George Burton and  Fletcher Draper

For the year 1865 George Brough Gregory and  Fletcher Draper

For the year 1866 Fletcher Draper and  John Woodhead

For the year 1867 Fletcher Draper and  

For the year 1868 Fletcher Draper and  

For the year 1869 Fletcher Draper and  H G Gregory

For the year 1870 Fletcher Draper and  H G Gregory

For the year 1871 Fletcher Draper and  

For the year 1872 Fletcher Draper and  

For the year 1873 Fletcher Draper and  

For the year 1874 Fletcher Draper and  Mr Thorpe

For the year 1875 Fletcher Draper and  Mr Thorpe

For the year 1876 Fletcher Draper and  Mr Thorpe

For the year 1877 Fletcher Draper and  Mr Thorpe

For the year 1878 Fletcher Draper and  Mr Thorpe

For the year 1879 Mr Towson and  Mr Thorpe

For the year 1880 Mr Towson and  Mr Thomas

For the year 1881 Mr Towson and  Mr Mayfield

For the year 1882 Mr Eagle and  Mr Mayfield

For the year 1883 R Robinson and  B Eagle

For the year 1884 R Robinson and  B Eagle

For the year 1885 R Robinson and  B Eagle

For the year 1886 R Robinson and  B Eagle

For the year 1887 R Robinson and  B Eagle

For the year 1888 R Robinson and  B Eagle

For the year 1889 R Robinson and  B Eagle

For the year 1890 R Robinson and  B Eagle

For the year 1891 R Robinson and  B Eagle

For the year 1892 R Robinson and  B Eagle

For the year 1893 R Robinson and  B Eagle

For the year 1894 R Robinson and  B Eagle

For the year 1895 B Eagle and  Mr Holbrook

For the year 1896 B Eagle and  Mr Holbrook

For the year 1897 T Mayfield and  Mr Holbrook

For the year 1898 J Holbrook and  T Mayfield

For the year 1899 J Holbrook and  T Mayfield

For the year 1900 T Mayfield and  J Holbrook

For the year 1901 T Mayfield and  J Holbrook

For the year 1902 T Mayfield and  J Holbrook

For the year 1903 T Mayfield and  J Holbrook

For the year 1904 T Mayfield and  J Holbrook

For the year 1905 C J  stone and  H J Windle

For the year 1906 C J  stone and  H J Windle

For the year 1907 C J  stone and  H J Windle

For the year 1908 C J  stone and  H J Windle

For the year 1909 C J  stone and  H J Windle

For the year 1910 C J  stone and  H J Windle

For the year 1911 C J  stone and  H J Windle

For the year 1912 C J  stone and  H J Windle

For the year 1913 C J  stone and  H J Windle

For the year 1914 C J  stone and  H J Windle

For the year 1915 C J  stone and  H J Windle

For the year 1916 C J  stone and  H J Windle

For the year 1917 C J  stone and  H J Windle

For the year 1918 C J  stone and  H J Windle

For the year 1919 C J  stone and  Mr H B Mayfield

For the year 1920 C J  stone and  Mr H B Mayfield

For the year 1921 C J  stone and  Mr H B Mayfield

For the year 1922 C J  stone and  Mr H B Mayfield

For the year 1923 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1924 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1925 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1926 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1927 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1928 J J J A Wooley, JP and  W H Oscroft

For the year 1929 Dr W H Turton, JP and  W H Oscroft

For the year 1930 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1931 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1932 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1933 Dr. W. H. Turton and  

For the year 1934 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1935 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1936 Dr. W. H. Turton and  

For the year 1937 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1938 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1939 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1940 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1941 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1942 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1943 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1944 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1945 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1946 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1947 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1948 Mr. F. Sisson and  Mr. N. O. Thomas

For the year 1949 J H Elliott and  <Unknown>

For the year 1950 J H Elliott and  <Unknown>

For the year 1951 J H Elliott and  <Unknown>

For the year 1952 J H Elliott and  <Unknown>

For the year 1953 J H Elliott and  <Unknown>

For the year 1954 J H Elliott and  <Unknown>

For the year 1955 J H Elliott and  <Unknown>

For the year 1956 J H Elliott and  <Unknown>

For the year 1957 J H Elliott and  W B Inma

For the year 1958 J H Elliott and  H Holland

For the year 1959 H Holland and  B Wilton

For the year 1960 H Holland and  B Wilton

For the year 1961 H Holland and  B Wilton

For the year 1962 H Holland and  B Wilton

For the year 1963 H Holland and  B Wilton

For the year 1964 H Holland and  B Wilton

For the year 1965 H Holland and  B Wilton

For the year 1966 H Holland and  B Wilton

For the year 1967 B Wilton and  K Woods

For the year 1968 B Wilton and  K Woods

For the year 1969 B Wilton and  K Woods

For the year 1970 B Wilton and  K Woods

For the year 1971 B Wilton and  K Woods

For the year 1972 B Wilton and  K Woods

For the year 1973 B Wilton and  K Woods

For the year 1974 B Wilton and  K Woods

For the year 1975 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1976 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1977 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1978 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1979 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1980 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1981 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1982 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1983 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1984 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1985 Brenda Gilltott and  Derek Camm

For the year 1986 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1987 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1988 Robert Grainger and  Maureen Walker

For the year 1989 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1990 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1991 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1992 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1993 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1994 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1995 Leonie George and  Roy Turner

For the year 1996 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1997 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1998 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 1999 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 2000 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 2001 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 2002 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 2003 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 2004 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 2005 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 2006 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 2007 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 2008 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 2009 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 2010 the churchwardens are not known

For the year 2011 Barbara Beck and  Sharon Guy

For the year 2012 Irene Donald and  Sharon Guy

For the year 2013 Sharon Guy

For the year 2014 Michelle Nixon and  Sharon Guy / Sue Clarke

For the year 2015 Michelle Nixon and  Sue Clarke

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